Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Helping Hands

This month at church the pastors are focusing on "social justice" and how we can make a difference. This reminds me of a few things.

Have you heard of Zach Hunter's "Loose Change to Loosen Chains?" Zach is a young kid who started collecting loose change from everywhere to help free slaves. He has raised a ton of money and freed many slaves, all because he cares.

What about World Vision or Compassion? These are great organizations too that help people in third world countries. How about sponsoring a child? It is only $30 a month and you give them clean water, health care, education and a spiritual partner. A small amount of money each month can save a child's life. I have been sponsoring a child through Compassion for 2 years now and it is such a joy to receive letters from Telvin telling me about his schooling, his family and above all how much he loves Jesus.

Change does not happen over night, we all know that. Change just takes action, saying yes. It doesn't even have to be a big action. I challenge you to look inside and to pray about what you can do to make a global impact.

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